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Kia Pride Old siemens ECU, 20pin diagnustic

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Good day

I have Car KIA pride 4 Cylinder . 1.3L . include Ecu Siemens and 20pin diagnostic connector under the hood

ecu picture…957ac84bc23.jpg

Diagnostic Connector Detail…ic_pinout.shtml

I need How to Connect to this model For see sensor detail and ecu parameter Live data ? this model Care of KIA witch protocol support ? i mean use ISO14230-4 (KWP2000) , ISO9141-2 , SAE J1850 VPW , SAE J1850 PWM ,??? I Have Original Software hi scan pro run in pc . and include KIA pride Section . But i Don't know Witch interface compatible this model and how to connect pin to pin to this connector . i need electronic diagram

Thank you And Best Regards


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