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Tutti i contenuti di euroscan

  1. Yes of course. ECU is m1.5.5 for 0261 204 948 fw: 103735-9651 G0.24.
  2. hi, - I'll has dump from immo box D6/V1 p/n 606 53 687 alfa romeo 156 ts '2000 - car has programming two keys. - first in this photo, but where is second key in this dump of immo box ? --
  3. euroscan

    CODE 2 Alfa Romeo 166

    send file from this box immo.( only from 93c56, not swap this file, 16 bit ) i'll try calculate PIN
  4. hi, - look at this how pin calculator make job . 7B 91 6E == 00000 5C A2 5D == 99999 - maybe this is universal code for alfa immo emulator ? 7C 55 42 == 8 2 6 6 1 PIN 7 ---> 8 C ---> crc ? 5 ---> 6 in 3 col, first 6 5 ---> 2 4 ---> 1 2 ---> 6 in 4 col , second 6 for example: 82661 -- 7C5542 83661 -- 7C5742 84661 -- 7C5942 84660 -- 7C5962 84667 -- 7C5982 84663 -- 7C5902 84651 -- 7C5944 84641 -- 7C5946 84621 -- 7C594A
  5. in this dump PIN for last key is 51328. - check this
  6. hello - i have dump from immo box alfa romeo 156 ts 2.0 '98 typ: Bosch 606 53 687 - who tell me how to remove keys from this dump by binary edition. dump is from eeprom 93c56. - end where is location for binary keys. 6F7C2C9DA35CA29FA7980639655B4459 8B14AA7488B6A857CFB06E57AB158B79 346B98892CDE2F0667B8EB15E03F7A2F 42BD43BC40BF41BE46B947B844BB45BA 7A857B84788779867E81D57F83FC9B64 071CC88A53AF08F0F8E2DE39804EEE14 90082EAE689796C9F36B3A2FC7BE926D 52319C639F609E61996698679B649A65 E51AE41BE718E619E11EE01FE31CE21D ED12EC13EF10EE11E916E817EB14EA15 F50AF40BF708F609F10EF00FF30CF20D FD02FC03FF00FE01F906F807FB04FA05 C53AC43BC738C639C13EC03FC3BEC23D CD32CC33CF308FD1C9C937C834CB35CA D56BB66D7AD729D62ED12FD02CD32DD2 22DD23DC20DF21DEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
  7. euroscan

    156 ts.scodifica

    hi, - all m1.5.5 ECU need one file of COD 156cod.rar
  8. euroscan

    Alfa 156 1.8 M 1.5.5

    in one day i'll reprogramm my M1.5.5 by galletto12.50 with MOD file. next re-programm M1.5.5 with COD file, all is working good.
  9. euroscan

    help alfa!!

    use simply galletto 12.50 without L-line, working good for aR 156 TS. -
  10. for m.1.5.5 only use version galletto 12.50 without L-line -
  11. schematics from family kwp 2000 ( plus). kwp2000+.rar
  12. euroscan

    help alfa!!

    hello. - in this M1.5.5 exist Hybrida ECU, y can read flash and eeprom. - flash is 29F010 and eeprom is 24c16. - this IC is mount on ceramic.
  13. hi, - file video how to reset ECU to virgin state in 156 ts 1.8 by galeto 12.50. ... 0.rar.html -
  14. euroscan

    bosch m1.5.5

    hi, - how to reset ECU in M1.5.5 to virgin state. - need virgin image and procedure to bypass Seed-code. - ALL is done, thanks Julio. ... L.rar.html -
  15. reprogramming ECU by MOD file. - -
  16. hi, - pls photo how to connect to A10 pin of ECU.
  17. hi, - this photo tell all.
  18. hi, - pls tell me what is doing by this MOD in ecu m1.5.5, thanks - MOD is from 0x0197E4 - 0x0198E3 0x019907 - 0x019a06 0x019c65 - 0x019D64 - 156_948_9651-mod.rar 156 20 9651.rar
  19. hi, - send files ORI, MOD and COD, thanks. - pls tell me what is modding in MOD file. - how read seed key and put this seed key in cod file. - but how to connect + 12V to ECu pin A10, it's problems for me. 156 20 9651.rar 156_948_9651-mod.rar
  20. hi, - all is good in car. how to connect battery to pin A10 , 100 $ for info and one beer. - -
  21. hi, - thanks very mutch. - must connect to car, add key and try reprogramming. - all is simple. - but how this make in on table not in car. - it's possible or NOT and which solution. file_Galeto12.50.rar
  22. hi, - yes of course, ECU is my table. - but this error exist also if I'm download COD file ( immo-off ). - how to disable immo or download ORI file, - only in car ?.
  23. hi, - after some time i'm connecting galeto 1250 to my ECU. - but this soft give me error Seed key ... errore SK = -9 - what does this error mean
  24. i use byteShooter connection
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