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  1. customobd

    help nissan terrano

    programmer xprog,beeprog,batronix etc.....
  2. customobd

    help nissan terrano

    can send all the information of the unit and read as 93c56
  3. customobd

    help nissan terrano

    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Not Contat All , in discussion
  4. customobd

    help nissan terrano

    yes, send file
  5. customobd

    help alfa romeo gt

    hi,guys Does anyone know where yaw sensor is? in alfa romeo gt 2005 fault code abs c1360
  6. customobd

    help suzuki vitara

    Solved works 100% cut 12+ wire off ecu and then connect the wire to acc wire and modify eeprom OKIM951G address 01D-90
  7. customobd

    help suzuki vitara

    any solution? help thanks
  8. customobd

    help suzuki vitara

    hi, i have suzuki vitara 2000 petrol age 98, ecu engine hitachi 33920_78 EM inside eeprom OKI 951G work immo off but start once and the reactivate again any solution thanks,sorry for english
  9. customobd

    help ford fiesta

    very thankss friend
  10. customobd

    help ford fiesta

    no eeprom friend,i just need eeprom
  11. customobd

    help ford fiesta

    thanks but it is necessary eeprom corrupt
  12. customobd

    help ford fiesta

    hi, guys i need full bdm ford fiesta 2007 1.6 tdci please 0 281 011 995 5u71-12a650-aa 5u71-12a650-ab thanks
  13. sorry friend i do not understand
  14. customobd

    help dtc off fiat stilo

    hi someone can help to remove DTC of a edc15c7 fiat stilo thanks DTC:P0380 DTC:U1600 THANKS fiat_stilo .bin
  15. customobd

    help egr off volvo s40 1.6d

    hi, i need help egr off volvo s40 1.6d ecu bosch 0 281 016 590 sw 1037504044 someone has a solution for complete diconnect thankss ORI_VOLVOS40.rar
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