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  1. we do this digital mapping for many ecu that have issue we buy a new one and dismantle record it then we can test broken part against it But only if the math works to make a business Once you have the test plan then testing an ecu takes up to 1hr but once we have tested 3 or 4 we know where to look straight away and do not need to do test You have to do this to learn it takes 2 weeks to add a new product
  2. Hello my new friends I join this forum for this thread I by a new B&M nav module for ford and another for peugeot no nav version (3 versions are made) We made curve trace of entire board then we test 10 bad boards not all boards have same faults I attach picture of one I understand main problem is corrupt nand - this was on DK forum a few years ago There is a SPi connection but I not found this Rt809H with bga63 adapter can read and write we believe maybe possible to make spi connection
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